With two full days in Baños, the adventure capitol of Ecuador, all seemed well. Canyoning and 100 metre bridge swing was on the agenda, as well as a christmas party and several treks along the beautiful scenery and the plentiful waterfalls.But alas, not for me. I was sick the whole time. I did do a short trek to some waterfalls, I did enjoy a delicious turkey dinner and I did see the local volcano erupt, so it was not a total waste of time, but the 10 hour truck drive to Cuenca was a nightmare. It was a plague. It was a nightmare about a plague.After a full night's sleep I was finally feeling a bit better, and managed to tag along to the Panama Hat factory. Yes, the Panama Hat hails from Ecuador, and Cuenca is where they make them. The reason they're commonly known as Panama hats is that all the workers when building the Panama Canal wore them, and so they got their popularity, and so Panama started to export them to the rest of the world.A stroll around the closed city (it was boxing day) including an interesting tour at the local food market in hopeful hunt for the next few day's food followed after the hat session.Oh, and I bought another hat.