The first leg of the trip was coming to an end. A short, ten-hour drive from high Huaraz to low Lima was followed by a final feast with the original passengers. Argentinian meat and dito wine was on the menu, and after dinner our waiter guided us through the backstreets of the peruvian capital to the poshest hotel bar imaginable, which held opened just for us. After tasting the local spirits pisco, which is made from grape peels, Ross, Anks, Lars and I felt like going even more local and found a Limanese dive. The beers were plentiful and songs were sung.The morning after could have been the start of a day of shopping. I was hoping to replace my lense, since the autofocus had for reasons unknown given up. I was unable to find one, but Lars was more successful and managed to get hold of both a videocamera and a DSLR.By the time we got back Drew had left for new adventures and was replaced by the new members of the passeenger list: A Dutch couple, a Canadian dito and an Irish one, along with two Danish friends, two pommies and a Korean girl. Clare took over as tour leader and we all went out for our first group meal.But Ross stayed in bed all day.