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La Paz, Bolivia
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The highest capitol city in the world is La Paz, at roughly 3600 metres. As my final destination drew ever closer, I started writing the night's speech, but alternated with a few games of Shithead. After six weeks on the road, most of us had at some point suffered the fate of being the shithead. Some had even been jackass candidates (shithead twice in a row), but up until that point no one had been a complete jackass (shithead three times in a row). As the heads-up began between Lars and the jackass candidate Cillian, the suspense was extreme. When Lars finally played his last card and Cillian was made jackass, the cheering knew no limits. And just then we drove into La Paz.That first night in the Bolivian capitol was also the last of the Lima-La Paz leg, so we all gathered at the penthouse diner. As this was also the end of Clare's test drive as a tour leader, and as she had two university diplomas (acting and law) but never been to a graduation, Doug & Pat had come up with the idea of making a faux graduation ceremony for our cheerful ciceron. Anks was the Dean of Dragoman, Doug was the Chancellor of the High Incas, Bernie was the Buddy of Excellence, Lars was the MC and I was the representative from the Swedish Nobel Institute, as well as the night's guest speaker. Pat had made a mortarboard for Clare to put on, and ceremonial scarves were worn. Doug the younger had made a diploma, and Clare was presented with that, flowers and a speech by yours truly. A glee-style dance number, choreographed by Kate, completed the ceremony and never have we seen Clare happier. Another crazy night followed, as we hooked up my Spotify-equipped laptop to the sound system, let everyone add whichever music they pleased, and danced the night away.And Catherine started to burn Lars' hat, but was stopped just in time.A quiet day followed. Tim, Renate & I decided to go shopping for som small but thoughtful gifts to accompany the tips we intended to give our fine crew, along with Ben &Mel. Cuba Libres in PET-bottles and with hot babes on the label seemed suitable, as well as coca tea, Sublimes, and of course the tips were presented in an in no way gift-wrapped cardboard box.A city tour on a bloody tourist bus gave the gist of La Paz, and it's nearby Vale de Luna was an interesting site. A visit to Avenue Mariscal Santa Cruz/16 de Julio, La Paz's main avenue and some flagshopping at the Witches market completed the Lapaceñan experience.

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